An Open Letter to the People of the Earth

Covid-19, World Reset and God’s Reset.

In my previous article I asked whether Christianity was a scam; however, we saw that Christianity is genuine and its founder an historical person. Surely none today would say that Islam is a scam; we all know that Mohammed existed and was responsible for the promotion of Islam, history testifies to this; even more so with Jesus and Christianity. Jesus claimed to be God incarnate, and as such he delineated the sequence of events leading up to the end of the world and His return to earth to fetch those who have been preparing themselves to receive Him.  In the scriptures, which He claims as His ‘message’ to humanity (John 5:39; Luke 24:27) He leaves us a format of events showing us how the world will progress to the end and how we can avoid being deceived by the falsehood of the devil and unsaved men.

The events clearly depicting God’s format of the end are found in the Bible, especially in the great prophecies of the Bible in the prophetic books, particularly the books of Daniel and the Revelation. We also find a sequence of events, although not in a chronological order as in some of the prophetic books, given by Jesus in the Gospels. These references to God’s format in the gospels are in Matthew 24:3-39; Mark 13:1-37; Luke:5-32, 36.  In each of these accounts some very important terms which all amount to the same meaning have been repeated and it behoves us to pay particular attention to these terms. Our destiny could well be dependent on understanding and following these expressions.

In Mat. 24:26, 33, 42 Jesus uses the expressions “I have told you before,” “see,” “watch.” In Mark 13:23, 33, 37, He uses the terms, “foretold” and “watch.” And in Luke 21:8, 31, we find the words, “take heed,” “see,” “Watch.”  What these terms mean according to these three accounts of the format of the end of the world is simply this, Jesus said to his listeners, ‘now that I have told you how events will proceed to the end of the world and of my return, watch carefully therefor because people like false prophets, rulers, and other so called people of high reputation will give you instructions that will mislead you; and if you give heed to them, you can even be lost.

Let us now look at our topic, Covid-19, World Reset and God’s Reset. I want to begin with a Bible verse found in Revelation 11:18 and I want to concentrate on the last line that says that God is coming “to destroy those who destroy the earth.” This verse tells us that human governments are not really interested in following God’s guide for humanity found in the Scriptures. They are more interested in accomplishing their own ideals for their own profit and purposes, without reasoning that these selfish attitudes would lead to the destruction of both themselves and the earth. And of course, everyone should know that is not the first time that God had to deal with this behaviour and consequently had to reset the earth. The first time round it led to a total destruction of planet and all life in it except those that God preserved. I refer of course to the Biblical Flood in Genesis 5-9 when God destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family who were the only righteous ones; they were left to repopulate the earth. That was God’s reset. It was real and is documented historically and scientifically. Today humans are seeking to reset this world for their own purposes.

Professor Klaus Schwab (1938, Ravensburg, Germany) founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum and Thierry Malleret (1961, Paris, France) have authored a book entitled: Covid-19: The Great Reset.[i] According to these authors, they feel that somehow Covid-19 “has dramatically torn up the existing script of how to govern countries, live with others and take part in the global economy.” Their book’s main objective “is to help [us] understand what’s coming in a multitude of domains.”[ii] These authors feel that “one path will take us to a better world: more inclusive more equitable and more respectful of Mother Nature.”[iii] It is felt that the world crisis triggered by this disease has no parallel in modern history.[iv] They claim that it is bringing disruption of monumental proportions in every sector of life including the environment, and that the world will never return to normal.[v] They fail to mention that it is human governments that are causing these “these disruptions of monumental proportions” in all societies which they blame on the disease.

Well, here is the real, good news, we read in Genesis 8:22 that after God had reset the earth by the Flood, he assured the survivors that “While the earth remains seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” In other words, life will continue even if we are moving to a crescendo of terrible events. The authors of Covid-19 the Great Reset, being atheists live by atheistic principles; they believe that humans have been around for about 200, 000 years, and that bacteria are billions of years old and that viruses are about 300 million years old;[vi] with this in mind they assume, as uniformitarians would have us believe, that the key to the past is the present[vii] and supposedly if bacteria and viruses cause pandemics today, then this process has been going on from time immemorial and we must now change that. But let us remember, folks, that while it is true that there have been pandemics in the past, they have all come and gone.

We have had plagues such as the bubonic plague, influenzas, Cholera, and a host of others in the past. Today we have this type of influenza called Covid-19 because it was unleashed in 2019. More and more information are showing that Covid 19 is a man-made, bio-engineered disease, using a bat’s virus with the intention of causing a pandemic (some call it a ‘plandemic’) in order that globalists may ‘take over’ the earth. Crucially involved in their plans is the introduction of an experimental injection (which they like to call a vaccination) in every human if possible. To date many thousands have died, were maimed, and otherwise injured by these experimental ‘jabs’ according to sources differing from official government data. Governments are doing all they can to prevent their own doctors, nurses, and other health care providers from speaking out against the official pronouncements.

This idea of taking over the world by globalists is of course not new; it has been going on for quite a while. However, the resolution of God above, that seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease is given us to encourage us not to panic when we witness such events, man-made or otherwise for God is in charge of the world and not man. Some men have sought to control the world such as the communists in 1917, or as the Roman Catholic church from the day that the Roman Empire vacated Rome, their capital, and founded Constantinople in Byzantium, a Greek city, in the 4th century leaving the bishop of Rome in charge, as it were, both politically and religiously of the city of Rome, although at that time is was not known as the Roman Catholic church but was heading in that direction. Also, of course, we have had the major ‘world’ empires beginning from the Assyrians around 1900 BC to 500 BC when the Neo-Babylonians took over, followed by the Medes and Persians, the Greeks and finally the Roman Empire in 168 BC who have sought to control the earth. We also have the huge corporations and cartels that are seeking to monopolize all industry if they could.

All these warring nations sought, and those today seek, to reset the world after their desires but like the sands of time, grain after grain, they all fell away and will fall away before the inevitable Watcher of the universe. None can reset the world unless God permits it. Daniel long ago speaking on behalf of the Great Watcher said to a haughty king who thought to control the world: (Daniel 2:20-22), “Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings…”  God has His agenda for the world with its ‘lockdowns,’ ‘green passports,’ ‘the banning of gatherings and of full church attendance.’ You see, my friends, satan knows that his time of rampage and destruction is coming to a climatic end for him and his minions, and so he is doing all to stay his nefarious course and to engulf humans in perversity and self-destruction defacing in them the beauty and image of their Creator.

Just look at the evil and wickedness that is being perpetuated across our world today! We are clearly approaching, if not there already, the days of Noah. There is no distinction between genders any more they would like us to believe, and this is being pushed by the deluded souls in government; bathrooms and even showers are open to all; there is to be total mixing of the sexes in dormitories; if you feel you are male or female go where you feel you belong, the law is on your side; then there is the release of billions of dollars by the false regime in the US and also by the French and others to engage in genetic engineering between man and animals. Perhaps we can make new, viable species composed of man and animal, call them Chimeras if you will. Yes, my friends, man’s reset is not for the better of mankind, animals, nor for the environment. This is why God’s final reset of planet earth is the only course that will work. We are told in the prophetic works of the late Ellen White of the 19th and 20th centuries that one of the reasons par excellence for God’s destruction of the first world was due to the “amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God and caused confusion everywhere.”[viii]

“Quietly for two decades [way over that now], scientists have taken the knowledge of genetic engineering to a frightening new level merging animal DNA with human DNA, creating the potential and unthinkable reality of super human non-human entities. These developments along with their looming and terrible consequences, held back from the public eye are exposed in an important and sobering film called “Trans Humanism: Destroying the Barriers.”[ix]

Therefore, my friends, regardless of who started Covid-19 and the sinister intentions that governments and globalists may have in mind, there is only thing that matters, and that is that you know that God the Creator is overall ruling in the affairs of humanity and has been doing this since days of yore till now. The confident authors of Covid-19, the Great Reset tell us that we are the products of evolution;[x] that the destiny of our planet is in the hands of the leaders of earth who take measures to “legitimatize the accretion of power” to institute lockdowns,[xi] etc., to save the planet.  Their portrayal of the biblical stance in isolating the sick is miscued; in the Bible only the sick who were a threat to others were isolated, not the healthy, and for real plagues, not for minor diseases.[xii]  God has been warning mankind since the great controversy began that man’s only security is with the Lord and none other.

When man works in harmony with God then all things are possible, but when humans allow the devil to control their motives and actions there can only be grief and self-destruction to them.  God’s final reset for this world is clearly given, and it is given under the banner of love and total restoration to God’s ideals for human happiness and enjoyment. In John 14:1-3 we read that God is right now preparing temporary quarters for the redeemed or saved, out of earth’s billions, in heaven where God and many inhabitants live. We will only live there for a thousand years, after which we will return to the most gorgeous earth we have ever beheld. Today we can only dream that there is life in outer space, tomorrow all who have the privilege of being redeemed will enjoy it. I want to encourage all my family and friends and fellow humans to not miss out on this tremendous reunion. The Good Book puts it this way: (Isa. 64:4; 1 Cor. 2:9) “for since the beginning of the world men have not seen nor the ear heard, neither has it entered into the mind of men the things that God has prepared for those that love Him and wait for Him,” my summary of the two texts.

Finally, my friends, as we endure the discomfort and bungling of humanity over covid-19, let us not be anxious, nor discouraged, let us not consider suicide as many have done as an option, but let us instead take hold of the mighty arm of the LORD, for there-in lies out victory! Whetting your appetite a little I leave this tasty morsel for you to delight in, this will be our home-coming, and what a home-coming it will be! It is found in the book of the Revelation of John.

(Revelation 21:1-7) And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.”

[i] Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, Covid-19: The Great Reset, (World Economic Forum: Cologny/Geneva, Switzerland, 2020), Preface to edition

[ii] Schwab/Malleret, preface to edition

[iii] Schwab/Malleret, preface to edition

[iv] Schwab/Malleret, Introduction

[v] Schwab/Malleret, Introduction

[vi] Schwab/Malleret, Introduction

[vii] Duane T. Gish, Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No! (El Cajon, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1995), p. 46.

[viii] Ellen White, 1SP (The Spirit of Prophecy volume one (1870), chap. VII-The flood.

[ix] Film (DVD) with Tom Horn. A Ken Klein film. Prof. Leon R. Kass, former chairman of the President’s Council on bioethics noted: All of the boundaries are up for grabs. All of the boundaries that have defined us as human beings, boundaries between a human being and an animal and between a human being and a super human being or a god.

[x] Schwab/Malleret, (Kindle edition), p. 13.

[xi] Schwab/Malleret, (Kindle edition), p. 14.

[xii] Leviticus 13:4-5.

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