1. In the beginning it was God that made the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1:1
2. The earth and all life in it were made by God in six literal days, not millions of years. Gen. 1:31.
3. God made the seventh day a Sabbath for a memorial of his creatorship. Gen. 2:1-3.
4. God made Adam from the earth while woman was made from part of man’s body. Gen. 2:7; 2:21-23.
5. God made animals by calling them into existence instantaneously; this is fiat creation. Gen. 1:24, 31.
6. Creation was made by the Godhead. God said let ‘us’ make man. ‘Us’ denotes plurality. Gen. 1:26.
7. The word ‘creator’ in Ecclesiastes 12:1, and ‘maker’ in Job 35:10 are in the plural. Ecc. 12:1; Job 35:10.
8. We know that God the Father is creator. Gen. 2:4.
9. We know that Jesus was also the creator. John 1:3, 10.
10. We also know that the Spirit of God was involved in creation when we read that the Spirit ‘moved’ upon the face of the waters. Gen. 1:2.