Cross-Purposes: Creation/Evolution Worldview. Which is Better Science?

        Well, how did our universe come into being? The video clip above says according to the evolution worldview that about 13.7 billion years ago (dates vary) the universe came into being. In these 13.7 billion years there appeared over 100,000000000 (one hundred billion) galaxies. Here is how they tell us it happened: first of all, there appeared hydrogen and helium, and some added dust (matter) to the mix. Now the hydrogen, helium, and matter somehow became super charged or heated. They some how became very, very compressed (they call it inflated) to a very, very tiny speck; then this tiny, super charged speck, because it could not get any tinier (ran out of space) it exploded (some like to use the word expanded) with a huge amount of energy and this spread out evenly all over. And out of this explosion came the order, precision, laws and beautiful galaxies, stars, planets, and every thing else in our known universe. 

        This folks, is our universe and how it came into being by courtesy of some folks who call themselves ‘scientists.’ Not all scientists believe this, some even have more wierd concepts, and many of this world’s educational institutions, run by secular governments and people who reject the biblical worldview, accept this unproved, unvarified, fantastic view of how our universe came into being.  Some of those people and students who disagree with this belief are marginalized, prevented from graduating (unless the institution is taken to court), and if some of these people are scientists they are removed from institutions, some have their tenureship taken away, and are bullied.  And amazingly, today secular scientists are seriously looking at the feasability or reality of the Big Bang Theory.  The faith required to accepted this secular worldview is much, much larger than that required to accept the biblical worldview.

        There is another opposite and challenging view, as to how this universe came into being. This worldview is called the Judeo-Christian worldview, or the biblical worldview.  This view is plain, simple, precise, and supported by much more evidence than the secular, ‘no God’ view.  The faith required to believe this biblical account is predicated on the great evidences that show the existence of the Designer of this wonderful universe and earth.  For a small but interesting history of how evolution came to displace a theistic view of creation, and came to dominate the education system of the world, please view the series, “Have you Swallowed the Hook?” by Thomas Woodward, number 141: “Have you Swallowed the Hook? Science is Just About Facts, Religion is Just About Faith.” The Bible matter of factly states “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. It also states that “the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:20.  In other words, scientists may deny the evidences that point to a Creator, but this does not exculpate (excuse) them for rejecting the evidences

        In this page I will list a series of programmes that the reader can view and listen to in order to help him or her to decide which worldview is the better one.  From time to time I will be adding titles, and more programmes that can be viewed.  May God bless you as you view or read these ‘evidences’ for the existence of a God who loves us and has pardon us and redeemed us from our rebellion against Him.  He is now calling us to turn to Him and live. God puts it very simply as in the words of His prophet Ezekiel who pled with a rebellious people, the people of Israel: “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, o house of Israel.” Ezekiel 33:11.

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