Please say some more on the actions of God’s Remnant church.

        Today I would like to look at the biblical teaching on creation as against evolution and the position of God’s remnant church. 

        In today’s world the educational authorities in many western countries discourage or outrightly prohibit the teaching of creation as science. Creation, they say, is religion while evolution is science! (UK, Some States in the US). Christians understand that the devil will do all in his power to remove God from the human experience; however, when Christian organizations either directly or indirectly facilitate this secular approach to creation, then something is wrong. Either the Bible is wrong or the secular view that upholds evolution is wrong. And what is the position of Christianity in this conundrum? Of course Christianity is to support the biblical view of origins. 

        Very briefly, what is the biblical view of creation? In Genesis 1 and 2:1-3 we read that God created this world in six literal days and rested on the seventh. These were contiguous twenty-four hours days, and creation was fiat and instantaneous. And what is evolution? Simply, evolution is the belief that the universe and all life forms came about purely by chance without any designer. Out of nothing came everything by random chance over billions of years! So how do the nominal Christian Churches respond to evolution? Unfortunately this is where the churches become unstuck. The Roman Catholic Catechism [1995] speaks of creation by God but ambiguously mentions the development of life-forms and the appearance of man (P. 83).

        Research also shows that the popes have repeatedly said that there is no conflict between evolution and creation; they accept Darwinism as long as God is involved. See (Humani Generis [Pius XII, 1950]). John Paul II, Benedict XVI and the present pope, Francis I, all say that evolution and creation can go together because God is dynamically involved. The other mainline Protestant churches, including non Christian groups, apart from the Seventh-day Adventist church and some other conservative, biblical evangelicals, all seem to accept that evolution and creation go and can go hand in hand. See WikipediA: Acceptance of evolution by religious groups, for a quick source. This folks, is where God’s remnant church comes in. 

        The remnant church of God, the Adventist church, upholds solidly the Genesis account of creation; it is literal, fiat, contiguous and seven literal twenty-four hours days. Evolution in no shape or form is involved in man’s and the universe’s origin. Christ in His days speaks of the creation as a fact when He said: “have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female?” Matthew 19:4. The gospel of John tells us that it was Christ that made us all. John writes, “All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made”. John 1:3. Do you see the importance of the remnant church now? 

        In Revelation 12:17 we read where the devil is angry with God’s remnant and sets about making war against them. The Bible depicts this remnant as people who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony or faith of Jesus. Similarly in Rev. 14:12 the passage depicts God’s remnant as those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus. And please notice the topic of Revelation 14:6-12. It is calling the people of the world out of ‘Babylon’. Babylon here is the conglomeration of united church and state where the Catholic church is the religious leader of the world, and influences all nations to participate in her designs for mankind, Rev. 17:1, 2-6. It is the task of this remnant, those who are faithful to God by obeying His commandments and keeping the faith of Jesus, to warn the world of this great religious rebellion against God.

        Another topic of Rev. 14:6-9 is calling the world back to worship of the creator God, the one who made heave and earth and everything in it. Let’s read in in verse 7: “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” Here God is calling men to the recognition that He has begun the judgment on behalf of all that worsip HIm; and that they should once again recognize Him as Creator. Today as said, most of the world educators and religious leaders are rejecting biblical creation; and consequently they are setting themselves up as their own standards; and these standards are at variance with God’s ones. Evil men can only set up standards that are ultimately based on evil ideas, even though there may be a lot of good propositions. Always remember, sin destroys; and all who hold on to sin will destroy himself.

        The entire world shall have rebelled against God, His faithful representatives, and his guide for humanity. Jesus himself tells us that before His return to earth the world, its governments and society, will have totally abandoned God and done like the people that lived before the flood. And just as those people were destroyed by the flood, so will our present world be destroyed by fire, we clearly read this in 2 Pet. 3:3-7. The Remnant therefor has a tremendous responsibility; we are in a life and death struggle with the workers of evil and leaders of the forces of darkness. And we are well able to overcome these through the mighty arm of Jesus Christ. May God bless you, and Hang on! The Best is Yet to Come!

        In my next article we will again look at other errors in Christianity that tarnish the good name of God. 

        Pastor Ron is a retired Adventist pastor; reach him at with your comments.