What The Bible Says About._ImgID1

Peace in the Pandemic

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you

Isa. 26:3, 4  He will keep you in perfect peace…

Phil. 4:4-7  Rejoice in the Lord, He will keep you…

Ps. 37:1-11  God will guide you through all evil…

Prov. 3:1, 2  Listening to God in obedience brings peace.

Isa. 48:18  Let’s not be ashamed to trust God completely, He will keep us

John 16:33 In a turbulent world remember that Jesus has overcome the world…

Rom. 5:1  We have peace with God because we are justified through faith in Him.

Num. 6:24-26  God blesses you with the Aaronic Blessing!

Exodus 14:14  God will fight for you be not anxious.