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Promises to live by/Pt. 1

In our world to day there is so much to stress us beyond limits.  Where can we turn, to whom can we go?  My friend, the only recommendation I can make is to the Creator, the One that made the heavens and earth and us all.  He has the blueprint for our life that teaches us how to live this sinful life in total confidence, that not only has He done everything to restore us to His image, but that He is will be with us until the end. Here are some of His wonderful promises to live by.

Ps. 28:7 The Lord is our strength and shield

Ps. 34:7 The Angel of the LORD encamps round about us

Ps. 37:7 Rest patiently in the LORD, fret not…

Ps. 37:8  Cease from anger and forsake wrath…

Ps. 37:16 A little that a righteous man has…

Ps. 37:23, 24 The steps of a good man are ordered… 

Ps. 37:25 Not seen the righteous forsaken…

Ps. 37:34 Wait on the Lord and He will…

Ps. 46:10 Be still and know that I am God…

Ps. 62: 1, 2 Truly my soul waits upon the Lord; He is my rock…