The Dead
1. The dead do not know anything. Eccl. 9:5
2. The dead are “asleep” in the grave until the resurrection. 2Sam. 7:12; Job. 7:21; Job14:12;Ps. 13:3.
3. The dead are in the grave. Gen. 37:35; 1Sam. 2:6; 2Chron. 34:28; Job. 14:13; John 11:17.
4. The dead cannot praise God. Ps. 115:17.
5. The dead will be resurrected when Jesus comes. 1Thes. 4:16; Dan. 12:2; Job 14:14, 15;1Cor. 15:52.
6. The wicked dead will be burnt up forever, and will cease to exist. John 3:16; Rom. 6:23;Rev. 20:14; 21:8.
7. The dead do not live when they die; otherwise they would be immortal. Only God is immortal. 1Tim. 6:16.
8. The righteous dead will be made immortal at the resurrection. Rom. 2:6, 7; 1Cor. 15:53, 54;2Tim. 1:10.
9. In God’s new earth there will be no dying there. Rev. 21:3, 4.
10. The choice is ours to choose eternal life or eternal death. Eze. 18:31; 33:11.