What The Bible Says About._ImgID1

The Flood: Did it really happen? 

Global evidences points clearly to a world-wide flood that devastated this earth. This story is found in many, if not most, legends around the earth. Most people believe that there was a flood of some sort. Some say it was not global, but that most of the earth at one time or another was under water but in separate areas at a time. A consistent record of the flood is found only in one book, and that book is the Bible. You may read of the account in Genesis 6 and continuing into Genesis 7 read it for yourselves. Let’s see what it says.

1. Why was there a flood that killed almost all of mankind and animals? Gen. 6:5-7, 11.
Note: When the Bible says that God was sorry that he made man, it should be read that God was moved with compassion, with pity and sorrow for mankind whom he made.

2. Did God save any people from the flood? Gen. 6: 8, 18.

3. Did God kill all the animals and birds? Gen. 6:19-21. Gen. 7:21-23.
Note: Science today speak of a ‘bottle-neck- when all mankind was almost wiped out! If there was indeed a global flood we would expect to find evidences of this, and we do!

4. How did Noah escape this flood? Gen. 6:13-16.
Note: the ark was 300 cubits=515ft long; 50 cubits or 86ft wide; and 30 cubits or 51ft high.

5.  Did the flood waters cover the entire earth?
Gen. 7:19, 20.

6. Were people warned of this impending judgement of God? Gen. 6:3; 1 Pet. 3:18-20.

7.  Is God’s destruction of the earth by a flood significant of anything? 2 Pet. 3:3-7.
Note: If God spared not the old world, will He spare those that reject Him in these times of the end?

8. What is God’s appeal to us today? Eze. 33:11.