An Open Letter to the People of the Earth

The World or Biblical Flood and the Reasons for it.

        The world or biblical flood is also known as the Noachian Flood because it was Noah that warned the people of earth of its coming and how to avoid death from it. 

        But have you ever wondered what were these sins that caused God to destroy His first creation? The purpose of this article is in light of Jesus’ words that the same sins that brought the flood, will be repeated in the days before Christ returns and will necessitate a second global destruction. Here are the words of our Lord Jesus: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” Luke 17:26-27 (CWSB) Let us therefore seek to learn from history that we avoid the same consequences.

        I am sure that the behaviour of these pre-flood people had to have been very repulsive to have caused God to kill all life except Noah and his family of three men and their respective wives. This is very serious for us today; so Let us see what we can learn from the Bible.

        First and foremost we read in the Bible that at the creation of Man God said to him: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die” (Gen. 2:17).  From that time on all life dies until the day that God removes death and grants eternal life to humans at His return, to all that have accepted His offer of pardon. Does the Bible give us a list or indication of what some of these sins or acts of disobedience were?  Yes, it does.  Let us turn first to the book of Genesis, chapter 6.

        In vss. 1-8 we read that those who loved God, in the process of time began to intermarry with the unbelievers, and this caused a general rejection of God and godliness among the believers, and this in turn led to a state of wickedness where ‘every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was evil continually.’ God therefore purposed to give mankind a probationary time of 120 years to repent and return to His principles, and should mankind refuse to repent and return to God, then He would destroy mankind and all life except Noah and his family of seven, for Noah found grace before God. The reason that Noah found ‘grace’ and was not destroyed was that he accepted and followed God in his life.  According to one demographer (those who research population growth etc.) there were about 10 Trillion people who perished in the flood.[1] That is very sad. We are warned that the situation will be similar in our days due to the same sins and rebellion.

        Here are some specific evil actions (bearing in mind that the author of the biblical book of Proverbs tells us that there is ‘nothing new under the sun,’ meaning that what we are doing and will do have been done before) the Bible highlights: Genesis chapter 6:13 tells us that God saw that the entire earth was corrupt and that all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. The entire earth was so corrupt that Noah’s preaching of coming destruction meant nothing to these huge anti-diluvian people. Let us look a little deeper at this corruption, notice what the book of Romans chapter 1 reveals.

        Romans 1:18-21 tell us that God’s wrath is revealed upon unrighteous men because God gave them every evidence in nature of His sovereignty yet they out rightly refused to accept Him as Creator, God, and Counsellor.  Humans totally rejected the Lordship and Sovereignty of God.

        Romans 1:23-25 tell us that humans made for themselves images of nature and began worshipping these corruptible images while rejecting the glory and presence of God who created these life forms. God therefor gave them up to uncleanness and lusts to dishonour their bodies between themselves.  Having rejected the Lordship and sovereignty of God humans substituted themselves and their unguided imaginations as their modus vivendi

        Romans 1:26-31 tell us that God gave them up to their vile affections which led women to lust after women as they rejected the natural use of men; and the men also burned in their lusts for other men; God therefor gave them up to their depraved minds and actions. The passages in Romans go on to speak of fornication, envies, murders deceit, inventers of evil, liars, without natural affection to others, merciless and a host of other perverted practices. The saddest part of the passage is the last verse, it says of these people practicing these atrocities, that they knew of “the judgment of God that will befall those who commit such things, yet they continue to do these evils and took pleasure in those who practiced these things.”  So, having rejected the Lordship and Sovereignty of their Creator God and having set themselves as their standard and guide in all their decisions, no evil was restrained; in the absence of God the heart of man knows no bounds.  This, friends, is total anarchy and rebellion.

        In the book of Jude (Jude 1: 7) just before the book of Revelation, it says that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by God was a warning of what will happen to all who practice evil and perversion.  This state of rebellion due to sin is alive and well in our society today. Does the preaching of a judgement to come and destruction of the ungodly mean anything to people today? Judging from the halls of justice it would seem that they do not give a penny about God’s instructions to them.  Both government and citizens are in blatant rejection of anything relating to biblical Christianity or morality.  Does this mean that humans today are in danger of being destroyed because of refusal to follow God’s instructions in righteousness?  Yes, it does, but here is what God says to each one of us today, “Say unto them, As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn you, turn you from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?” Ezekiel 33:11. This is God’s appeal to all of us humans.

        Today in our society we find every form of evil and wickedness practiced by men in government, by business corporations and among the citizenry plying their daily tasks.  Many of our leaders today, while they may profess belief in God, have virtually rejected God’s guidance in their governance.  According to Jerry Nadler of the US Congress in speaking against Greg Steube who spoke against the Democrats’ Equality Act, he (Nadler) said that “what any religious tradition ascribes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.”[2]  While we do not judge Nadler, we do understand from his statement that God’s will is not given any priority by that present regime in the affairs of sexual identity and morality.

        Even as I write this article, we continue to hear of reports of the total anarchy and rebellion of that present regime in the US; their legislature is pressing for total acceptance of gender diversity and sexual orientation. Children as young as three up to 10 years make up 10% in the gender dysphoria clinics (UK) where they are asked concerning puberty blockers to prevent them from maturing in their birth genders.[3]  Any opposition to these defiant laws is not allowed.  Even churches are to be legislated against disciplining or rejecting practicing homosexuals or lesbians.  Already in many countries the killing of the unborn, even post birth as well, is acceptable practice.  Is this not where the anti-diluvians were as regards the will of God?

        Today politicians will do virtually anything to stay in office and enjoy the amenities of power and greed. As these leaders reject the guidance of God in their leadership, they model this example to the citizens who when they perpetuate the same evils as the government are quickly picked up and incarcerated, engendering anger, hate and rebellion in the citizenry.  However, the Lord Jesus makes it very clear that this state of affairs will not last forever, for He himself at His return to earth will reward every man according to his works, read it in Revelation 22:12.

        My appeal therefor to each one of my readers is that you will return to God, or that you will accept God in your life and be secure in His ark of safety.  I sincerely hope that very soon God will intervene and bring evil to an end.

        As Noah and others preached of the coming world deluge, I am sure he pleaded with the antediluvians to return to God, yet we read that only eight out of billions of people listened to him and were saved the destruction of the flood.  Can you imagine that?  Can you think of that frenzied rebellion against God and His instructions and not be touched with amazement?  We are about seven billion people in our world today, how many will pay attention to the warnings from biblical Christians?  Will you, my friend, follow the crowd and accept immoral laws and rebellion against God and be eternally lost, or will you accept Jesus into your life and live in righteousness for eternity? The choice is yours my friend.  May God enable you through His Holy Spirit to make the right choices today.  Tomorrow might be too late.  May God bless you.  Please take time to view this video on the biblical world Flood:

        My next article for April 2021 will be, Will Jesus Come Again to Earth to Set Matters Right?





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