Human Beings
1. Human beings were created perfect by God after His image and likeness. Gen. 1:26.
2. In the beginning God created one man and one woman and told them to fill the earth with children. Gen. 1:27, 28.
3. Jesus was actually the Creator God. Col. 1:16, 17.
4. It was on the sixth day of the first week that man was created. Gen. 1:31;Gen. 2:1-3.
5. Man was made a little lower than the angels. Ps. 8:5.
6. This perfect man and woman rejected God’s instructions and brought sin into the world and into all human beings. Rom. 5:12.
7. The wages of sin is death for sin is rejection of God and God is the only source of life.Rom. 6:23.
8. When men and women repent and turn to God He forgives them and pardons them, restoring them to God’s family.1 John 1:9.
9. When we believe in Jesus we have passed from death to life and shall not be condemned. John 5:24.
10. When we believe in Jesus He will sustain us until He comes. We have eternal life even now. John 6:47, 48