Hangon! The Best Is Yet To Come!




Special Points of Interest: (All articles are updated regularly).

About Us.

Selections from the Great Controversy Between Christ and satan/

Ministry of Healing/3: Flesh as Food

Pastor’s Corner/4:

Dating the Book of Daniel(Part 1);  Part 2.

  1. Understanding Daniel 8 Pt. 1
  2. Understanding Daniel 8 Pt. 2 

“What The Bible Says About” Bible Studies/5 No Middle Ground

For All Jews  Apostasy at the Jordan

New: Final Events leading to the Close of Probation. Topic 7. The Shaking.

Links to Articles/6

Covert Covid-19 Details.  Part 16. Part 17

The Final Battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=hYlOuAbjMPk&feature=youtu.be.

A ÚLTIMA BATALHA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHXvkQegquM&list=PLFf8olhPM00xoVwJNEs0aB6E5P-7PUQPG&index=24&t=0s

Cross-Purposes: Creation/Evolution Worldview. Which is Better Science?  

Creation Worldview Videos/  https://hangonthebestisyettocome.com/links-to-articles-page-6/#Cross%20Purposes

Honourable Mention: By Stephen Meyer, God and the Origin of the Universe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pk9oDrpf6k

90 Minutes of Geological Evidence for Noah’s Flood Dr Kurt Wise
In-depth Explanation of What Caused Noah’s FloodDr Kurt Wise

Noah’s Flood and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (from Pangea to Today) 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRoQL7W5jg8&feature=youtu.beTake time to view this Youtube presentation of the biblical flood.  The basic scientific facts by far outweigh the atheistic explanations of the earth’s origin.  It is full of scientific facts that you can research yourself.  It’s a mixture of some others you may have viewed on page: https://hangonthebestisyettocome.com/links-to-articles-page-6/ 

Genesis Apologetics: Debunking the Seven Myths about the Bible, Genesis, and Noah’s Flood.

Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible. By Ray Comfort. (From my study of the Bible the references to ‘hell’ meaning burning in hell forever are a misunderstanding of the Bible’s concept of the final destruction of the wicked. However, the presentation of the scientific facts about the Bible is excellent).



中國古代的上帝。第1部分: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA-AkJzpKmg&feature=youtu.be

中国古代的上帝。 第2部分: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g72Mb8wEdcI&feature=youtu.be

古代中國文字中的福音信息。( 英语 ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y15tiLBUw-I

中國天壇的神聖含義: 天堂的至神: (英語): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCG8yrJskRk

中國人從哪裡來?(Where do the Chinese come from?)

上帝的信息 们的使命

AWR Mandarin Chinese (SSB) – 安息日學 | Adventist World Radio

日本  神の啓示私の使命

  AWR Japanese: 光とともに (Hikari totomoni / With light) | Adventist World Radio

An Open Letter to the People of the Earth: Is There a Purpose for Life? Can We Know It? Can we have confidence in the Bible as God’s guide to humanity?

Et åbent brev til verdens mennesker: Ja, den historiske Jesus findes. Hvad er det store problem? Kan vi have tillid til Bibelen som Guds guide til menneskeheden?

Una carta abierta a la gente del mundo: ¿Existe un propósito para la vida?  ¿Podemos conocerlo? ¿Podemos tener confianza en la Biblia como guía de Dios para la humanidad?

Uma Carta Aberta As Perssoas do Mundo: Existe um propósito para a vida?  Podemos conhecê-lo? Podemos ter confiança na Bíblia como guia de Deus para a humanidade?

Une lettre ouverte aux peuples du monde  Pouvons-nous avoir confiance en la Bible in tant que guide de Dieu pour l’humanite? Devons-nous prendre la Bible au serieuxdans nos vies aujourd’hui?


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The Bible tells us that Jesus will soon return to this world. The Bible also tells us how to be ready for this great event. Please search it so you can know how to be ready yourself!